Advertising Solutions

What is it about advertising that allows so many to waste so much money on programs that fail mightily only to be recognized by their peers as innovators and experts?  For years, the advertising business has had virtually no accountability for “strategic performance” built into it.  Great ideas were deemed GREAT by those that created them.   Over the years, clients have spent billions of dollars on programs that were complete failures.  We don’t care what medium we use, there are principles that are as certain as gravity that if ignored or not executed properly will doom your advertising program to failure.

I remember a seminar where an executive from a major consumer products company extolled the fact that they were reducing their use of mass media because it “did not work” and there was no way to measure results.  In the back of the room I wanted to raise my hand.  I knew the answer.  And it had nothing to do with the medium of choice and everything to do with the flawed execution model that their agency deployed.  In the 90′s a major auto manufacturer’s agency won multiple awards for its creativity on a re-branding campaign.  Millions of dollars were invested in TV – only to have the company lose a large portion of it’s market share.  Why?  Who was held accountable for this failure?  Was it because the products were inferior or was it just a bad campaign with a poor execution model?  Can you afford that kind of tactical error?  Apparently they couldn’t.

At Branding Plus Marketing Group we know that the fastest way to put a “bad” company or product out of business is with a good advertising program.  Think about that for a moment.  It’s counter-intuitive.

Communication today is different than yesterday.  Tomorrow it will change more.  Horizontal communication has replaced vertical communication as the most powerful medium.  There is still a place for vertical communication, but it is being over-shadowed by one to one or peer to peer communications.

We specialize in developing programs that produce incremental and measurable results for our clients.  If you’ve got a good product and you aren’t getting the results that you expect and need, from your current marketing endeavors. Branding Plus Marketing Group would like to talk with you.

At Branding Plus Marketing Group...

results matter.